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Webpacker 6: Image Asset Guide

Andrew Mason

Andrew Mason

Published Dec 24th, 2020

In order to use your images and SVG files with Webpacker 6, you need to put them in the correct place and import them into your context.


We should be good here.


Add Assets

mkdir -p app/javascript/media/images

Require Context

// app/javascript/packs/application.js
+ function importAll(r) {
+  r.keys().forEach(r);
+ }
+ // Add relevant file extensions as needed below.
+ // I'm sure there is a better way :shrug:
+ importAll(require.context('../media/images/', true, /\.(svg|jpg)$/));


Note: Restart the dev server for good luck!

Add an SVG and PNG into app/javascript/media/images

In one of your views, add two image tags:

<img src="<%= asset_pack_path 'media/images/icon.svg' %>" />
<img src="<%= asset_pack_path 'media/images/surf.jpg' %>" />

Reload your browser and you should see your images.

Note that <%= asset_pack_path 'media/images/icon.svg' %> only returns a string, so if you would rather inline your SVG files you will need to refer to the Webpack Asset Modules documentation and merge your changes into your Webpack context, as explained in these Webpacker docs.

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